Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome

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Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
OMIM 241080

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive[1] genetic disorder which causes malformations and deficiencies affecting the endocrine system.[2]


The syndrome is characterized by alopecia, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, hearing loss, mental retardation and diabetes mellitus. Electrocardiogram anomalies have also been reported.[1]

Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome has an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Medica I, Sepcic J, Peterlin B (2007). "Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome: case report and symptoms review". Genet Couns. 18 (2): 227–231. PMID 17710875.
  2. Woodhouse NJ, Sakati NA (1983). "A syndrome of hypogonadism, alopecia, diabetes mellitus, mental retardation, deafness, and ECG abnormalities". J. Med. Genet. 20 (3): 216–9. PMID 6876115.

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